Build a tidyflow

Construct your tidyflow step by step from scratch


Create a tidyflow

plug_data() drop_data() replace_data()

Add a data to a tidyflow

plug_split() drop_split() replace_split()

Add a split specification to a tidyflow

plug_formula() drop_formula() replace_formula()

Add formula terms to a tidyflow

plug_recipe() drop_recipe() replace_recipe()

Add a recipe to a tidyflow

plug_resample() drop_resample() replace_resample()

Add a resample specification to a tidyflow

plug_model() drop_model() replace_model()

Add a model to a tidyflow

plug_grid() drop_grid() replace_grid()

Add a grid specification to a tidyflow

Execute a tidyflow

Once defined, execute a tidyflow


Fit a tidyflow object


Control object for a tidyflow

Extract results from a tidyflow

After the fitting process, extract results from the tidyflow

pull_tflow_rawdata() pull_tflow_split() pull_tflow_training() pull_tflow_testing() pull_tflow_resample() pull_tflow_grid() pull_tflow_preprocessor() pull_tflow_prepped_recipe() pull_tflow_spec() pull_tflow_fit() pull_tflow_fit_tuning()

Extract elements of a tidyflow


Extract the parameters of a tidyflow

Operations post-fit

Finalizing tuned models and predictions


Fit the best model from a tuning grid

predict(<tidyflow>) predict_training() predict_testing()

Predict from a tidyflow