holds the control parameters for a tidyflow.
It allows you to specify control options for parsnip
, resamples
and grid
control_parsnip = NULL,
control_resamples = NULL,
control_grid = NULL
A parsnip control object. If NULL
, a default control
argument is constructed from control_parsnip
A resamples control object. If NULL
, a default control
argument is constructed from control_resamples
A grid control object. If NULL
, a default control
argument is constructed from control_grid
A control_tidyflow
object for tweaking the tidyflow fitting/tuning process.
if (FALSE) {
# Build tidyflow
tflow <-
mtcars %>%
tidyflow() %>%
plug_split(initial_split) %>%
plug_formula(mpg ~ .) %>%
plug_resample(vfold_cv, v = 2) %>%
plug_model(set_engine(linear_reg(), "lm"))
# For each resample object, we want the predictions
ct <- control_tidyflow(control_resample = control_resamples(save_pred = TRUE,
verbose = TRUE))
# Specify the control object
fit_m <- fit(tflow, control = ct)
# Extract the predictions
fit_m %>%
pull_tflow_fit_tuning() %>%
# `control_resamples` is only used when there is a resample but not
# grid. When there is a resample and a grid, `control_grid` should be
# used.
ct <- control_tidyflow(control_grid = control_grid(verbose = TRUE,
save_pred = TRUE))
# Since there is no grid specification, this is ignored.
# No messages should be printed nor a new .predictions
# columns in the result
fit_m <- fit(tflow, control = ct)
# control_parsnip controls the options of the model
# For example, verbosity controls the messags of the model
ct <- control_tidyflow(control_parsnip = control_parsnip(verbosity = 2))
# Run a regularized regression with only one independent variable.
# This is not possible, it will raise an error and we will see it
# because of verbosity
res <-
tflow %>%
replace_model(set_engine(linear_reg(penalty = 0, mixture = 1), "glmnet")) %>%
replace_formula(mpg ~ cyl) %>%
fit(control = ct)