Scraping at scale: daily scraping to your database


I’ve been working on a personal project to gather daily data from public bicycles in Barcelona to create a historical timeline of a few stations. Since the data is only available live, I had to scrape the data and store in a database daily. This is a short tutorial showing the steps I had to take to setup a database on my remote server and connect both from my local computer as well as from my server. I also show the R script that scrapes data, connects to the server and appends the information every day for a certain amouint of time.

Note: This worked for my Digital Ocean droplet 512 MB and 20 GB disk with Ubuntu 16.04.3 x64.

Let’s get to it. It’s better to do ALL of this as a user in your server but remember to append sudo to everything. Nonetheless, beware of problems like the ones I encountered. For example, when installing R packages that where ran by cron in a script, if installed through a non-root user the packages were said to be 'not installed' (when I fact running the script separately was fine). However, when I installed the packages logged in as root the packages were installed successfully.

Setting up the data base

All steps:

  • Install R

  • Install MySQL

  • Type mysql -u root -p to log in to MySQL

  • Follow these steps to create an empty table within a database

USE bicing;
CREATE TABLE bicing_station (id VARCHAR(30), slots VARCHAR(30), bikes VARCHAR(30), status VARCHAR(30), time VARCHAR(30), error VARCHAR(30));
  • This is an outdated guide by Digital Ocean which might be helpful. Some of the steps below are taken from that guide.

  • Alter sudo nano /etc/mysql/mysql.conf.d/mysqld.cnf and change bind-address to have the ‘’ This is so your server can listen to IP’s from outside the localhost network.

  • Create two users to access the data base: a user from your local computer and a user from your server.

mysql -u root -p # Log in to MySQL. -u stands for user and -p for password
/* Create user for local computer. Note that when username and ip are in '' they need to be in those quotes. Also, the ip address you can find easily by writing what's my ip in Google*/

CREATE USER 'username'@'ip_address_of_your_computer' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON bicing.* TO username@ip_address_of_your_computer;

/* Create user for server. For this user don't change localhost as that already specifies that it belongs to the same computer. */

CREATE USER 'username'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
GRANT ALL ON bicing.* TO username@localhost;

/* Make sure the privileges are isntalled */

quit /* To quit MySQL*/
  • Test whether the access worked for both users
# Login from your server. Replace username for your username 
# -u stands for user and -p will ask for your password 
mysql -u username -h localhost -p

# Login from your LOCAL computer. Replace username for your username and your_server_ip from the server's IP
mysql -u username -h your_server_ip -p
  • Now install odbc in your Ubuntu server. I follow this
sudo mkdir mysql && cd mysql

# Download odbc in mysql folder
sudo wget

# Unzip it and copy it somewhere.
sudo tar -xvf mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.9-linux-ubuntu16.04-x86-64bit.tar.gz 
sudo cp mysql/mysql-connector-odbc-5.3.9-linux-ubuntu16.04-x86-64bit/lib/ /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
# If the odbc folder doesn't exists, create it with mkdir /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/

Note: you might need to change the url’s and directories to a newer version of odbc so don’t simply copy and paste the links from below.

  • Create and update the odbc settings.
sudo touch /etc/odbcinst.ini

sudo nano /etc/odbcinst.ini

# And add

[MySQL Driver]
Description = MySQL
Driver = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
Setup = /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/odbc/
FileUsage = 1

# close the nano
# And continue

sudo touch /etc/odbc.ini

sudo nano /etc/odbc.ini

# and add

Description           = MySQL connection to database
Driver                = MySQL Driver
Database              = dbname
Server                =
User                  = root
Password              = password
Port                  = 3306
Socket                = /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock

# Change Database to your database name
# The password to your root password

# Finally, run

sudo ln -s /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock /tmp/mysql.sock

# to move the socket to the folder where the DBI pkgs
# search for it

# Finish by

sudo service mysql restart;

# to restart mysql server

Connecting to the database locally and remotely

From my local computer:


con <- dbConnect(MySQL(), # If the database changed, change this
                 host = your_server_ip, # in "" quotes.
                 dbname = "bicing",
                 user = username, # remember to change to your username (in quotes)
                 password = password, # remember to change to your password (in quotes)
                 port = 3306)


bike_stations <- dbReadTable(con, "bicing_station")

From R in the server

con <- dbConnect(RMySQL::MySQL(),
                 dbname = "bicing",
                 user = username, # remember to change to your username (in quotes)
                 password = password, # remember to change to your password (in quotes)
                 port = 3306)


bike_stations <- dbReadTable(con, "bicing_station")

That did it for me. Now I could connect to the database from R from my local computer and from the server itself.

Scraping automatically

So far you should have a database in your server which you can connect locally and remotely. I assume you have a working script that can actually add/retrieve information from the remote database. Here I will explain how to set up the scraping to run automatically as a cron job and get a final email with the summary of the scrape.

  • Create a text file to save the output of the scraping with sudo touch scrape_log.txt

  • Write cron -e logged in as your non-root user.

  • At the bottom of the interactive cron specify these options:

SHELL=/bin/bash # the path to the predetermined program to run cron jobs. Default bash

PATH=bla/bla/bla # PATH I’m not sure what’s for but I pasted the output of echo $PATH.

HOME= your/dr/ofinteres # Path to the directory where the scripts will be executed (where the script is)

MAILTO="" # Your email to receive emails

# The actual cron jobs. Below each job I explain them
30-59 11 * * * /usr/bin/Rscript scrape_bicing.R >>scrape_log.txt 2>&1

# Run this cron job from 11:30 to 11:59 every day (*), every month (*), every year(*): 30-59 11 * * *

# Use R to run the script: /usr/bin/Rscript
# You can find this directory with which Rscript

# Execute the file scrape_bicing.R (which is looked for in the HOME variable specified above)
# >>scrape_log.txt 2>&1: Save the output to scrape_log.txt (which we created) and DON'T send an email
# because we don't want to received 29 emails.

00 12 * * * /bin/bash
# Instead of receiving 29 emails, run a query the minute after the scraping ends
# to filter how many rows were added between 11:30 and 11:59
# By default it will send the result of the query to your email

Great but what does scrape_bicing.R have?

The script should do something along the lines of:

# Load libraries

# The url of your api
api_url <- "bla/bla"

# Wrap GET so that whenever the request fails it returns an R error
my_GET <- function(x, config = list(), ...) {
  stop_for_status(GET(url = x, config = config, ...))

# If it can't connect to the API will throw an R error
test_bike <- my_GET(api_url)

## Do API calls here
## I assume the result is a data.frame or something like that
## It should have the same column names as the SQL database.

# Establish the connection to the database.
# This script is run within the server, so the connection
# should not specify the server ip, it assumes it's
# the localhost

con <- dbConnect(MySQL(),
                 dbname = database_name, # in "" quotes
                 user = your_user, # in "" quotes
                 password = your_password, # in "" quotes
                 port = 3306)

# Append the table
write_success <-
  dbWriteTable(conn = con, # connection from above
              "table name", # name of the table to append (in quotes)
              api output, # data frame from the API output
              append = TRUE, row.names = FALSE) # to append instead of overwrite and ignore row.names

# Write your results to the database. In my API call
# I considered many possible errors and coded the request
# very defensively, running the script many times under certain
# scenarios (no internet, getting different results).
# If you get unexpected results from your API request then this step will
# not succeed.

# If the append was successfull, write_success should be TRUE
if (write_success) print("Append success") else print("No success")

Something to keep in mind, by default you can connect from the your local computer to the remote DB by port 3306. This port can be closed if you’re in a public internet network or a network connection from a university. If you can’t connect, make you sort this out with the personnel from that network (it happened to me with my university network).

What does have?

A very simple SQL query:

read PASS < pw.txt /* Read the password from a pw.txt file you create with your user pasword*/

mysql -uroot -p$PASS database_name -e "SELECT id, error_msg, COUNT(*) AS count FROM bicing_station WHERE time >= CONCAT(CURDATE(),' ','11:30:00') AND time <= CONCAT(CURDATE(),' ','12:00:00') GROUP BY id, error_msg;"

mysql: run mysql

-uroot: specify your mysql username (note there are no spaces)

-p$PASS: -p is for password and $PASS is the variable with the password

database_name: is the data base name

-e: is short for -execute a query

The remaining is the query to execute. I would make sure the query
works by running this same line in the server interactively.

What this query means is to get the counts of the id and error messages
where the time is between the scheduele cron of the API request.

This way I get a summary of the error messages and how many lines were
appended between the time the script should've started and should've ended

As stated in the first line of the code chunk, create a text file with your password. You can do so with echo "Your SQL username password" >> pw.txt. That should allow PASS to read in the password just fine.

And that should be it! Make sure you run each of these steps separately so that they work on it’s own and you don’get weird errors. This workflow will now run cron jobs at whatever time you set it, return the output to a text file (in case something bad happens and you want to look at the log) and run a query after it finishes so that you only get one email with a summary of API requests.

Hope this was helpful!


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