class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Machine Learning for Social Scientists ## K-Means clustering and competition ### Jorge Cimentada ### 2020-07-08 --- layout: true <!-- background-image: url(./figs/upf.png) --> background-position: 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 50% 100% background-size: 10%, 10%, 10% --- # Load the data ```r library(dplyr) library(ggplot2) data_link <- "" pisa <- read.csv(data_link) ``` --- ## K-Means Clustering * K-Means is a method for finding clusters in a dataset of `\(P\)` variables * K-Means clustering is particularly useful for exploration in the social sciences Suppose we have a scatterplot of two variables: <img src="../../img/km1.png" width="25%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## K-Means Clustering * How does K-Means identify clusters? * **Randomly** assigning each point a cluster <img src="../../img/km2.png" width="25%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * Each point has now an associated color. However, these colors were randomly assigned. --- ## K-Means Clustering * K-Means clustering works by creating something called 'centroids' * These represent the center of the different clusters * The centroid is the **mean of the `\(P\)` variables** <img src="../../img/km3.png" width="25%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * So far, everything is random! --- ## K-Means Clustering * Let's work this out manually: ```r centroids_df <- data.frame(type = factor(c("orange", "purple", "green"), levels = c("orange", "purple", "green")), x = c(.54, .56, .52), y = c(.553, .55, .56)) ggplot(centroids_df, aes(x, y, color = type)) + geom_point(size = 4) + scale_color_manual(values = c("orange", "purple", "green")) + lims(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)) + theme_minimal() ``` <img src="kmeans_competition_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-6-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## K-Means Clustering * Suppose we add a random point ```r centroids_df %>% ggplot(aes(x, y)) + geom_point(aes(color = type), size = 4) + geom_point(data = data.frame(x = 0.25, y = 0.75)) + scale_color_manual(values = c("orange", "purple", "green")) + lims(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)) + theme_minimal() ``` <img src="kmeans_competition_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-7-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * How do we assign that point a cluster? --- ## K-Means Clustering * We calculate the Euclidean distance: `\(\sqrt{(x_2 - x_1) + (y_2 - y_1)}\)` * Applied to our problem: + Orange: `\(\sqrt{(0.54 - 0.25) + (0.553 - 0.75)} = 0.304959\)` + Purple: `\(\sqrt{(0.56 - 0.25) + (0.550 - 0.75)} = 0.3316625\)` + Green: `\(\sqrt{(0.52 - 0.25) + (0.560 - 0.75)} = 0.2828427\)` --- ## K-Means Clustering The random point is closest to the green centroid, as the distance is the smallest (0.28). Let's assign it to that cluster: ```r centroids_df %>% ggplot(aes(x, y, color = type)) + geom_point(size = 4) + geom_point(data = data.frame(type = factor("green"), x = 0.25, y = 0.75)) + scale_color_manual(values = c("orange", "purple", "green")) + lims(x = c(0, 1), y = c(0, 1)) + theme_minimal() ``` <img src="kmeans_competition_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-8-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## K-Means Clustering The K-Means clustering algorithm applies this calculation for **each point**: <img src="../../img/km4.png" width="25%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> where each point is assigned the color of the closest centroid. * The centroids are still positioned in the center, reflecting the random allocation of the initial points --- ## K-Means Clustering * Calculates new centroids based on the average of the X and Y of the newly new assigned points: <img src="../../img/km5.png" width="25%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * Repeat exactly the same strategy again: + Calculate the distance between each point and all corresponding clusters + Reassign all points to the cluster of the closest centroid + Recalculate the centroid --- ## K-Means Clustering * After `\(N\)` iterations, each point will be allocated to a particular centroid and it **will stop being reassigned**: <img src="../../img/km6.png" width="25%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> * Minimize within-cluster variance * Maximize between-cluster variance > Respondents are very similar within each cluster with respect to the `\(P\)` variables and very different between clusters --- ## Disadvantages K-Means Clustering * You need to provide the number of cluster that you want * K-Means will **always** calculate the number of supplied clusters * The clusters need to make substantive sense rather than statistical sense. * K-Means also has a stability problem <img src="../../img/km7.png" width="35%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## Caveats K-Means Clustering * Exploratory * Should make substantive sense * Robustness * Replicability * Centering and scaling might be appropriate * Outliers --- ## K-Means Clustering * How can we fit this in `R`? * Suppose that there are different clusters between the socio-economic status of a family and a student's expected socio-economic status: + Low socio-economic status might not have great aspirations + Students from middle socio-economic status have average aspirations + Students from high socio-economic status might have great aspirations. * We fit this using `kmeans` and passing a data frame with the columns --- ## K-Means Clustering * K-Means can find clusters **even** when there aren't any clusters. ```r res <- pisa %>% select(ESCS, BSMJ) %>% kmeans(centers = 3) pisa$clust <- factor(res$cluster, levels = 1:3, ordered = TRUE) ggplot(pisa, aes(ESCS, BSMJ, color = clust)) + geom_point(alpha = 1/3) + scale_x_continuous("Index of economic, social and cultural status of family") + scale_y_continuous("Students expected occupational status") + theme_minimal() ``` <img src="kmeans_competition_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-13-1.png" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- ## No free lunch <br> <br> <br> <br> .center[ .middle[ > The 'No free lunch' theorem is a simple axiom that states that since every predictive algorithm has different assumptions, no single model is known to perform better than all others *a priori* ] ] <br> <br> **Lucky for us: social scientists are not only interested in predictive accuracy** --- ## Causal Inference * Growing interest from the social science literature on achieving causal inference using tree-based methods: + Athey, Susan, and Guido Imbens. "Recursive partitioning for heterogeneous causal effects." Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 113.27 (2016): 7353-7360 + Brand, Jennie E., et al. "Uncovering Sociological Effect Heterogeneity using Machine Learning." arXiv preprint arXiv:1909.09138 (2019) * Tease out heterogeneity in variation to achieve causal inference * Explore interactions in a causal fashion --- ## Inference * We can use machine learning methods for exploring new hypothesis in the data * Avoid overfitting by train/testing and resampling * Tree-based methods and regularized regressions can help us understand variables which are very good for prediction but that we weren't aware of: + Arpino, B., Le Moglie, M., and Mencarini, L. (2018). Machine-Learning techniques for family demography: An application of random forests to the analysis of divorce determinants in Germany * Understand the role of interactions from a more intuitive point of view through exploration * This includes unsupervised methods such as `\(PCA\)` and K-Means clustering. --- ## Prediction If prediction is the aim, then there's evidence that some models consistently achieve greater accuracy is different settings: * Tree based methods + Random Forests + Gradient Boosting * Neural Networks * Support Vector Machines > Don't forget our training: we need to explore our data and understand it. This can help a lot in figuring out why some models work more than others. --- ## Prediction challenge * 2019 Summer Institute In Computational Social Science (SICSS) + Mark Verhagen + Christopher Barrie + Arun Frey + Pablo BeytÃa + Arran Davis + Jorge Cimentada * All metadata on counties in the United States * Counties with different poverty levels have varying edits and pageviews --- ## Prediction challenge * Your task: **build a predictive model of the number of edits** * Dependent variable is `revisions` * Can help identify which sites are not being capture by poverty/metadata indicators * 150 columns, including Wiki data on the website and characteristics of the county * Ideas + Does it make sense to reduce the number of correlated variables into a few principal components? + Do some counties cluster on very correlated variables? Is it fesiable to summarize some of these variables through predicting the cluster membership? + Do we really need to use all variables? + Does regularized regression or tree-based methods do better? Let's see the variables and data: > You have 45 minutes, start!