class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide # Machine Learning for Social Scientists ## Tree based methods ### Jorge Cimentada ### 2020-07-08 --- layout: true <!-- background-image: url(./figs/upf.png) --> background-position: 100% 0%, 100% 0%, 50% 100% background-size: 10%, 10%, 10% --- # Load the data ```r library(tidymodels) library(tidyflow) library(vip) library(rpart.plot) library(baguette) data_link <- "" pisa <- read.csv(data_link) ``` --- # Bagging * Decision trees can be very susceptible to the exact composition of the data <img src="tree_methods_files/figure-html/manydtrees-1.png" width="100%" height="100%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Bagging * Bagging is a generalization of decision trees but using bootstrapped trees * What is bootstrapping? ```r sel_cols <- c("math_score", "HISEI", "REPEAT", "IMMIG", "read_score") pisa_small <- pisa[1:5, sel_cols] pisa_small$id <- 1:5 pisa_small ``` ``` math_score HISEI REPEAT IMMIG read_score id 1 512.7125 28.60 0 1 544.2085 1 2 427.3615 59.89 0 1 432.2518 2 3 449.9545 39.02 0 1 503.9496 3 4 474.5553 26.60 0 1 437.7777 4 5 469.1545 76.65 0 1 535.9487 5 ``` --- # Bagging * Bootstraping randomly picks observations from the sample. * Some observations might get picked while others might not. * Some observations might even get picked many times! ```r # Sample from the number of rows in `pisa_small` # and allow certain numbers to be replaced. set.seed(23551) row_index <- sample(nrow(pisa_small), replace = TRUE) pisa_small[row_index, ] ``` ``` math_score HISEI REPEAT IMMIG read_score id 1 512.7125 28.60 0 1 544.2085 1 4 474.5553 26.60 0 1 437.7777 4 4.1 474.5553 26.60 0 1 437.7777 4 3 449.9545 39.02 0 1 503.9496 3 5 469.1545 76.65 0 1 535.9487 5 ``` --- # Bagging * We can run this many times and get many **resamples** of our data: ```r lapply(1:2, function(x) { row_index <- sample(nrow(pisa_small), replace = TRUE) pisa_small[row_index, ] }) ``` ``` [[1]] math_score HISEI REPEAT IMMIG read_score id 3 449.9545 39.02 0 1 503.9496 3 5 469.1545 76.65 0 1 535.9487 5 3.1 449.9545 39.02 0 1 503.9496 3 1 512.7125 28.60 0 1 544.2085 1 3.2 449.9545 39.02 0 1 503.9496 3 [[2]] math_score HISEI REPEAT IMMIG read_score id 1 512.7125 28.6 0 1 544.2085 1 4 474.5553 26.6 0 1 437.7777 4 4.1 474.5553 26.6 0 1 437.7777 4 4.2 474.5553 26.6 0 1 437.7777 4 4.3 474.5553 26.6 0 1 437.7777 4 ``` --- # Bagging * Bagging works by bootstraping your data `\(N\)` times and fitting `\(N\)` decision trees. * Each of decision tree has a lot of variance because we allow the tree to overfit the data * The trick with bagging is that we **average** over the predictions of all the `\(N\)` decision trees * This improves the high variability of each single decision tree. ```r pisa$id <- 1:nrow(pisa) bootstrap_pisa <- lapply(1:20, function(x) { row_index <- sample(nrow(pisa) * .6, replace = TRUE) pisa[row_index, ] }) ``` --- # Bagging * Loop over these 20 datasets, fit a decision tree to each one and predict on the original `pisa` data. ```r tflow <- tidyflow() %>% plug_formula(math_score ~ .) %>% plug_model(decision_tree(mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("rpart")) all_pred_models <- lapply(bootstrap_pisa, function(x) { small_model <- tflow %>% plug_data(x) %>% fit() cbind( pisa["id"], predict(small_model, new_data = pisa) ) }) ``` --- # Bagging * The first slot contains predictions for all respondents. Let's confirm that: ```r head(all_pred_models[[1]]) ``` ``` id .pred 1 1 493.6071 2 2 378.5172 3 3 440.5835 4 4 440.5835 5 5 493.6071 6 6 440.5835 ``` * Let's confirm the same thing for the second slot: ```r head(all_pred_models[[2]]) ``` ``` id .pred 1 1 486.7747 2 2 432.6909 3 3 432.6909 4 4 432.6909 5 5 486.7747 6 6 486.7747 ``` --- # Bagging * Bagging compensates the high level of variance by averaging the predictions of all the small trees: ```r # Combine all the 20 predictions into one data frame all_combined <- all_pred_models[[1]] for (i in seq_along(all_pred_models)[-1]) { all_combined <- cbind(all_combined, all_pred_models[[i]][-1]) } # Average over the 20 predictions res <- data.frame(id = all_combined[1], final_pred = rowMeans(all_combined[-1])) # Final prediction for each respondent head(res) ``` ``` id final_pred 1 1 494.1934 2 2 403.6330 3 3 436.1936 4 4 443.5922 5 5 491.6506 6 6 457.9670 ``` --- # Bagging * 20 trees is a small number * The higher the number of trees, the better. <img src="../../img/bagging_sim.png" width="40%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Bagging * How do we fit this in R? ```r btree <- bag_tree(mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("rpart", times = 50) tflow <- tidyflow(pisa, seed = 566521) %>% plug_split(initial_split) %>% plug_formula(math_score ~ .) %>% plug_model(btree) tflow ``` ``` ══ Tidyflow ════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════ Data: 4.84K rows x 502 columns Split: initial_split w/ default args Formula: math_score ~ . Resample: None Grid: None Model: Bagged Decision Tree Model Specification (regression) Main Arguments: cost_complexity = 0 min_n = 2 Engine-Specific Arguments: times = 50 Computational engine: rpart ``` --- # Bagging * Let's fit both a simple decision tree and the bagged decision tree, predict on the training set and record the average `\(RMSE\)` for both: ```r res_btree <- tflow %>% fit() res_dtree <- tflow %>% replace_model(decision_tree() %>% set_engine("rpart")) %>% fit() rmse_dtree <- res_dtree %>% predict_training() %>% rmse(math_score, .pred) rmse_btree <- res_btree %>% predict_training() %>% rmse(math_score, .pred) c("Decision tree" = rmse_dtree$.estimate, "Bagged decision tree" = rmse_btree$.estimate) ``` ``` Decision tree Bagged decision tree 33.85131 11.33018 ``` --- # Disadvantages of bagging * Less interpretability * Alternative, VIP plots: ```r res_btree %>% pull_tflow_fit() %>% .[['fit']] %>% var_imp() ``` ``` # A tibble: 501 x 4 term value std.error used <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <int> 1 scie_score 23363949. 75426. 50 2 read_score 17033482. 69939. 50 3 ST166Q03HA 5913918. 66479. 50 4 METASPAM 5671665. 68871. 50 5 IC152Q08HA 3850699. 304274. 49 6 PISADIFF 3046729. 362250. 50 7 IC010Q06NA 2691482. 355147. 50 8 ST013Q01TA 433681. 142604. 50 9 ESCS 329367. 16981. 50 10 HOMEPOS 258437. 11440. 50 # … with 491 more rows ``` --- # Disadvantages of bagging * Works well only for models which are very unstable. * For example, linear regression and logistic regression are models with very little variance * With enough sample size, running a bagged linear regression should return very similar estimates as a single fitted model. --- # Random Forests * Excluded `scie_score` and `read_score` from tree simulations * Why did I do that? Because they are extremely correlated to `math_score` * They dominate the entire tree: <img src="tree_methods_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-15-1.png" width="70%" height="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Random Forests * For estimating the split of `HISEI < 56`, decision trees evaluate splits in all variables in the data: <img src="tree_methods_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-16-1.png" width="70%" height="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Random Forests * Repeats the same for each node <img src="tree_methods_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-17-1.png" width="70%" height="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Random Forests * Random forests sample `N` variables at each split > For example, to determine the best split for the left branch, it randomly samples 251 variables from the total of 502 * On average, all variables will be present across all splits for all trees * This approach serves to **decorrelate** the trees --- # Random Forests * How many columns should we randomly sample at each split? * This argument called `mtry` and the defaults are: <br> `\(\sqrt{Total\text{ }number\text{ }of\text{ }variables}\)` <br> `\(\frac{Total\text{ }number\text{ }of\text{ }variables}{3}\)` --- # Random Forests * How do we run it in R? ```r # Define the random forest rf_mod <- rand_forest(mode = "regression") %>% set_engine("ranger", importance = "impurity") # Define the `tidyflow` with the random forest model # and include all variables (including scie_score and read_score) tflow <- pisa %>% tidyflow(seed = 23151) %>% plug_formula(math_score ~ .) %>% plug_split(initial_split) %>% plug_model(rf_mod) rf_fitted <- tflow %>% fit() ``` --- # Random Forests * `scie_score` and `read_score` seem to be the most relevant variables. * They both are **seven times** more important than the next most strongest variable ```r rf_fitted %>% pull_tflow_fit() %>% .[['fit']] %>% vip() + theme_minimal() ``` <img src="tree_methods_files/figure-html/unnamed-chunk-19-1.png" width="70%" height="70%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- # Disadvantages of random forests * When there are **only** a few very strong predictors, then you might have trees which are very week * Based on our example, if `scie_score` and `read_score` are excluded, the predictions might be bad ```r rf_fitted %>% predict_training() %>% rmse(math_score, .pred) ``` ``` # A tibble: 1 x 3 .metric .estimator .estimate <chr> <chr> <dbl> 1 rmse standard 16.3 ``` * Performs worse than bagging, which was around `11` math points! --- # Disadvantages of random forests * If we increase the number of variables used at each split, we should see a decrease in error * Why? Because it means that `scie_score` and `read_score` will have greater probability of being included at each split. ```r rf_mod <- rand_forest(mode = "regression", mtry = 150) %>% set_engine("ranger") rf_fitted <- tflow %>% replace_model(rf_mod) %>% fit() rf_fitted %>% predict_training() %>% rmse(math_score, .pred) ``` ``` # A tibble: 1 x 3 .metric .estimator .estimate <chr> <chr> <dbl> 1 rmse standard 11.4 ``` * The predictive error is reduced to be the same as the one from the bagged decision tree * However, it's much faster than bagged decision trees! --- # Advantages of random forests * Quite good for off-the-shelf predictions * Works equally well for continuous and binary variables --- # Tuning random forests * Random Forests also have other values to tune. * `mtry`: number of variables * `min_n`: minimum number of observations in each node * `trees`: number of trees fitted See --- # Tuning random forests * A template ```r rf_mod <- rand_forest(mode = "regression", mtry = tune(), trees = tune(), min_n = tune()) %>% set_engine("ranger") tflow <- pisa %>% tidyflow(seed = 2151) %>% plug_split(initial_split) %>% plug_resample(vfold_cv) %>% plug_grid(grid_random, levels = 10) %>% plug_formula(math_score ~ .) %>% plug_model(rf_mode) res <- rf_mod %>% fit() res ``` --- # Tuning random forests Exercises 5-8 .center[ ]