Project Guidelines
Jorge Cimentada
Project guidelines
- A private Github repository that you will share with me.
- A clear README on how to reproduce the scraper EXACTLY.
- The entire scraping program should be in an RMarkdown HTML file.
- The project should not be an R package or a set of scripts (see 3.)
- One of the key points is to make it reproducible: I should be able to clone the repository and execute whatever you need to me to produce the scraper.
Project guidelines
- We want some medium-hard scraping/API projects. This means that I expect you to scrape several sources of information (on the same website or combining several websites) to build a meaningful dataset that you can possibly use for other classes or your own benefit. Remember most of the mark is for this project.
- If your project is an API you need to provide clear instructions on how to get a token and where I need to place the token. *IMPORTANT: TOKENS SHOULD NOT BE POSTED ON YOUR REPOSITORY, THIS IS SENSITIVE INFORMATION*.